Monday, April 15, 2013


Due: Final Critique, Wednesday 4/24

Please turn in jpegs (1200 pixels per longest side) of your very strongest work from the following projects:

  1. 10 images from various shooting exercises (composition, subject matter, motion, depth of field, from the beginning of the semester)
  2. 5 images from project 1
  3. Photo extended images (project 2)
  4. Uncanny image (project 3)
  5. Open project images (project 4)
Al the images should be labeled the following way:


Please turn all images into a single folder

That's it! Thank you!

Open Project

Due: Final Critique, Wednesday 4/24


  1. Create a group of photographs around a theme of your choice. 
  2. Extend any project you have completed thus far into another round.
Images should be cohesive, considering the concept/idea, aesthetics/design, and technical skill (Camera work and Photoshop)

Plan to turn in 5-6 Jpegs, 1200 pixels per side with one corresponding layered photoshop file.